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发布日期: 2024-06-26



从打造“健康丝绸之路”,到打造人类卫生健康共同体,中国愿同全球伙伴携起手来,推动完善全球公共卫生治理,提升卫生健康水平。“健康丝绸之路”上,皇冠从未缺席。皇冠welcome娱乐登录入口自2020年起面向全球开设“国际高端人才公共卫生硕士项目”(Executive Master of Public Health Program,简称EMPH),迄今累计为12个“一带一路”沿线国家的公共卫生领域培养了近30名专业人才,其中23位留学生已顺利毕业。今年7月,有4EMPH留学生即将毕业,与我们一起分享毕业收获。

ABDELRAHIM, MAGBOULA ESHAG ADAM毕业感言:感恩母校,探寻公共卫生体系改革可持续方法之路

来自苏丹的ABDELRAHIM, MAGBOULA ESHAG ADAM深刻认识了祖国公共卫生体系改革面临的风险与挑战,中国对Covid-19大流行的管理工作使她深受启发,更加坚定了来到中国学习的决心。自ABDELRAHIM, MAGBOULA ESHAG ADAM踏入北医校园起,便走上了公共卫生体系改革可持续方法的探寻之路。

China is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished nations in terms of health and sustainable development. The Covid-19 experience was an indicator of how far development had come and an outstanding example of an integrated health system with strong foundations. I was motivated by the Covid-19 experience in China and how the country put measures in place to limit its spread. In 2021, I had the opportunity to join Peking University to study public health, majoring in health policies and systems. Additionally, the motivation for studying in China was to take advantage and transfer Chinese medical knowledge to Sudan.

In essence, my motivation to explore China was not only an academic endeavor but a conscious choice as a social activist. It demonstrates my dedication to breaking down barriers, encouraging empathy, and making a positive impact on a society that values and comprehends a variety of viewpoints. Throughout my experience in China I have found that, experiential learning through immersion experiences in China is effective in developing intercultural awareness and cross-cultural competence. These experiences provided me opportunity to directly experience and navigate cultural nuances, communication styles, and decision-making processes. Furthermore, my interest in China extends beyond the classroom, as I actively engage in cultural exchange initiatives and collaborate with organizations working towards cross-cultural dialogue. My academic pursuits, coupled with practical involvement, amplify my commitment to building bridges between cultures.

At Peking University, I have continued to research on public health reform and I believe that my academic background and experience have prepared me to succeed as a scholar. My current research project collaboratively with federal Ministry of Health, Sudan, mainly focuses on addressing the gaps in coordination and partnership between international partners and local health system. This experience has equipped me with basic knowledge and training to conducts tasks and assignment for partnerships and collaboration. In addition, it has provided me the frameworks and scope of international organization functioning and operations.




ABDULLAHI, MUHAMMAD IDRIS毕业感言:感谢相遇,共建卫生建设互通桥梁

来自尼日利亚的ABDULLAHI, MUHAMMAD IDRIS进入皇冠welcome娱乐登录入口后,开启了他的学习与发现之旅。他说,在皇冠的学习过程为自己的学术和个人成长留下了深刻的篇章。他非常感谢中国政府,使得他有机会在皇冠学习,体验丰富的中国文化。ABDULLAHI, MUHAMMAD IDRIS希望自己的经验和见解将成为各国之间的桥梁,促进合作和理解。

I met a lot of wonderful souls among both the management and academic staff starting with Mrs Xiangrong Xu who was our international students admin, Mrs Xu was the first show us how friendly and hospitable Chinese people are and she was so kind and have made all registration, enrollment and every aspect of our activities from lectures to registration and other stuff easy, simple and comfortable. Another rare gem was Professor Emeritus Xu Ming, who in his simplicity and kindness gave me memorable opportunity to be part of his research team and was able to published a review as part of his team with the journal "Infectious Diseases of Poverty". I wouldn't end this line without mentioning the major play behind my academic and research improvements in person of Prof Yinzi Jin. I called her Angelic human. She is simply, always approachable and supportive. She has made my research work to become easy and fun.

My academic journey with Peking University has been a profound chapter in my academic and personal growth. I am immensely grateful to the Chinese Government for the opportunity to study at Peking University and to experience the richness of Chinese culture. My hope is that my experiences and insights will serve as a bridge between nations, fostering greater cooperation and understanding for generations to come.


LANSANA, FRANCIS毕业感言:知行合一,为塞拉利昂与全球卫生发展服务

来自塞拉利昂的LANSANA, FRANCIS20209月入学北医,他很感谢中国政府和学校给予自己的学习机会。学习中,体会到了中国人的热情,领略了多姿多彩的中国文化,感受到了皇冠welcome娱乐登录入口的魅力,从中学到了各国卫生系统的管理技能,对自己的卫生管理能力有很大帮助。通过这段学习经历,自己将更加努力成为具有全球视野的公共卫生人才。

I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the school for the opportunity granted me to go through this executive course. It is indeed a golden opportunity to have gone through all the eye-opening modules and lectures. These lectures were not only of academic benefits but it helped in building management skills to manage health systems in the countries. Some of these skills have helped greatly in my management during this period and were pivotal in establishing daily clinical briefings, weekly hospital, and District Health Management Team meetings, ward rounds, and other management meetings that were regularly held. My sincere appreciation goes to my supervisor and his team, Prof. Xinling Feng, Dr. Zhao, and Dr. Ross. My appreciation goes to also teacher Xiangrong Xu, and teacher Fang Jing, they have been helpful right through this process ensuring that documents about our course are well managed and are communicated to us. To all the lecturers and my colleague students of the School of Public Health, my appreciation goes to you all. This journey through a series of challenges was made smooth because of your continual support. And finally, to my ministry for choosing me for this golden opportunity. I believe this knowledge is going to be used to improve health service delivery in the country and in the district where I work specifically. I also wish to popularize my project outcome to be able to solve the problem of poor nurse retention in especially rural communities in Sierra Leone.







